Spark von Starren is a delightful 6 month old Shepherd mix (boy).
As Spark tells it: Hello all, I'm Spark!
"I am Westside's newest stowaway. In case you don't know, they call us stowaways because we are noticed accidentally at the shelter while the volunteers are picking up shepherds. We somehow catch their attention and off we go into the shepherd van. My secret to success was a giant grin on my face and reaching my leg out past the kennel door trying to reach the volunteer to say Hi. She started laughing and came back to say hi and shook my paw. I was so excited. I heard her talk to the staff asking about me. They told her that I love people and I just LOVE playing with other dogs. (I am secretly dreaming of finding a new home with another playful dog so we can be silly together from sun-up to sun-down) I am still a youngster so I'm up for anything you want to do, I will be your partner in crime. I still have some growing to do but won't be really big. Please come meet me, I guarantee I will put a smile on your face!"